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Visi HDC adalah untuk memimpin dan melestarikan Agenda HEBAT (Holistic, Entrepreneurial, Balanced, Articulate, Thinking). Visi ini telah diterjemahkan ke Misi HDC iaitu untuk mewujudkan ekosistem kondusif dalam pembangunan pelajar HEBAT. HDC berharap nilai kebolehpasaran graduan USM dapat ditingkatkan melalui tadbir urus aktiviti pelajar yang berkualiti serta penyampaian perkhidmatan yang berkesan.

Bagi tujuan ini, Kerangka HEBAT dihasilkan berdasarkan empat domain latihan bagi pembangunan sahsiah pelajar iaitu (i) Kompetensi Siswa; (ii) Kebudayaan & Kesukarelawan; (iii) Keusahawanan; dan (iv) Kerjaya & Kebolehpasaran Graduan. Pelajar baharu akan didedahkan dengan 4 domain ini melalui beberapa Siri Latihan Peringkat Asas Dalaman seperti eLatihan Kompitensi, Program Pimpin Siswa HEBAT (PPSH) dan Teras Asas Keusahawanan.

Bagi merealisasikan Siri Latihan Peringkat Asas Dalaman di atas beberapa MAKLUMAT TAMBAHAN daripada pelajar diperlukan. Kerjasama pelajar untuk melengkapkan soal selidik merangkumi perkara yang disenaraikan di bawah amatlah dihargai.

Pautan : 

Bahagian A: USM Destinasiku
Bahagian B: PIMPIN Siswa HEBAT
Bahagian C: Keusahawanan


HDC’s vision is to lead and sustain the HEBAT Agenda (Holistic, Entrepreneurial, Balanced, Articulate, Thinking). This vision has been translated into HDC’s Mission which is to create a conducive ecosystem in the development of HEBAT students. HDC hopes that the marketability value of USM graduates can be enhanced through quality governance of student activities as well as effective service delivery.

For this purpose, HEBAT Framework was produced based on four training domains for student character development, which is (i) Student Competence; (ii) Culture & Volunteerism; (iii) Entrepreneurship; and (iv) Career & Marketability of Graduates. New students will be exposed to the four domains through several Internal Basic Level Training Series such as eCompetency Training, Pimpin Siswa HEBAT Program (PPSH) and Core Entrepreneurship Foundation.

In order to realize the Internal Basic Level Training Series above some ADDITIONAL INFORMATION from students are required. The cooperation of the students to complete the questionnaire covering the items listed below is greatly appreciated.

Link : 

Section A: USM Destinasiku
Section B: PIMPIN Siswa HEBAT
Section C: Entrepreneurship